about me


site still under construction!!

hello, my name is nico!

i dont really know what to add lmao. i like writing, drawing, and listening to music! if i'm awake im probably doing either of the three or at the same time? hm.

i think there's a lot i dont want to say on here for my own privacy, but in terms of what is expected a stranger to know, just know im human. lol!

im a pretty shy person, usually in person, i can be so shy i want to hide. well. at least to a reasonable degree.
i want to have shrines dedicated to the things i like so you can take a look at that when theyre up!! one of the main reasons why i wanted to make this site is because i really feel scared to show myself on social media, at least the most me in whatever way that might mean. i also just want a place i can control, which can house my own creations. in a way that isn't meant to garner likes or such, not that i hate it, but its been one of the biggest reasons why i dont post my art as much online anymore.

i started using the internet at a fairly young age, and i loved it the instant i was able to understand it. in fact, i often attribute being able to read english to being on the internet at a young age. and reading fanfiction :p. this became a double edged sword of course, i ran into horrible things, but i also found things that i love even to this day! i will forever be thankful for such a thing to have existed in my lifetime. and feel deeply grateful to have the privilege to able to acsess the internet.